Magali Weiss

Ecole d'arts-taoistes


chemin du Petray 18
1222 Vesenaz / Switzerland



  • Basic 1 - Inner Smile, 6 HS, Self Massage, Self Healing Qigong

Intructor Levels:

  • Associate Instructor

Basic courses - Inner Smile, 6 healing sounds - MCO, Bazi, Feng Shui
Magali Weiss is a Feng Shui and astrologist practionner, she is graduated from the Imperial Shool of Feng Shui and Chinese horoscope since 2004. After a health problem, she decided to practice more Chi Gong. She found UHT Switzerland in 2015 and since that time she changed her life to be more in her body and less in her head. She is now an associated teacher.